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This Privacy Policy (hereafter referred to as – ‘Privacy Notice’) explains Our approach to personal data collection, storage and use on the Website and in the App, as well as Your rights to personal data.

Within the Privacy Notice, we refer to the listed below notions and mean by them as defined:
‘Website’ – Our website, which is available at

‘App’ - Our mobile application which is available on the Apple App Store under the name ‘HabitHop’.
‘HabitHop services’ – services provided by HabitHop, which are available on the Website or in App and described in the Terms and Conditions.
‘HabitHop’ (also ‘We’, ‘Our’, ‘Us’) – HabitHop services provider. Considering the App published on the Apple App Store, the service provider is Meteolab Inc., a legal entity duly established and existing under the laws of the state of Florida, in the United States of America.
‘User’ (also ‘You’, ‘Your’) – any natural person that uses the Website and/or an App.
‘personal pata’ – any information relating to the User who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier.
‘processing’ – any act when We collect, store, record, structure, adapt, use, make available, erase, restrict access to Your personal data.


I. Who is responsible for Your personal data?

The controller is the entity that determines the purposes and means of the processing of a User’s personal data and is responsible for their safety. The data controller shall take all necessary measures (including legal and technical) to preserve and protect Your personal data.

Meteolab Inc. is entitled to determine how your data is processed and for what purposes, and it shall be considered a joint data controller.

II. What purposes and basis of the processing?




first, middle and last name

to provide support, to obtain feedback

performance of a contract and legitimate interests to obtain feedback as to the HabitHop services provided to the User


marketing communication (e.g. newsletters)

User’s consent and legitimate interests to provide updates on HabitHop services provided to the User

email address

to provide support, to obtain feedback

performance of a contract and legitimate interests to obtain feedback as to the HabitHop services provided to the User


marketing communication (e.g. newsletters)

User’s consent and legitimate interests to provide updates on HabitHop services provided to the User

payment information (e.g. time of purchase, subscription type)

provision of HabitHop services

performance of a contract

device online identifier

provision of HabitHop services

performance of a contract

other metadata (e.g. cookies)

analyses of the traffic and use of the Website, advertisement

User’s consent and legitimate interests to improve HabitHop services

Device Online Identifier Use
We use Your device online identifier (and similar information e.g. IP address, operating system) to link it with our App. Your device online identifier is created when the App is downloaded, and it changes when you reinstall the App.

Payment Information Use
All Your payment information (e.g. credit card information, billing details) is processed via the in-App purchases service provider (Apple) and We do not process it, nor have access to it. However, We collect some transaction details related to Your in-App purchases, including the type of purchase, date and time of the purchase, amount charged, and other related transaction details.

Data Not Linked to You
Your device online identifier (and other similar information), location information, transaction-related details and cookies are not connected with Your personal data and can not be used to create Your profile or/and identify You unless You provide us with them with a connection to Your other personal data.

Other Use Cases
We may also use Your personal data for other purposes than those identified above and will provide electronic written notice at the time of collection and obtain Your consent where necessary.


III. Cookies

To personalize Your advertisement experience and perform targeting services We use Google AdSense. Third-party vendors, including Google, use cookies to serve ads based on Your prior visits to the Website or other websites. A cookie is a small piece of data placed on Your computer or other devices by Your web browser to track your activities.

Google′s use of advertising cookies enables it and its partners to serve ads to You based on Your visit to Website and/or other sites on the Internet. If You want to opt-out of Google AdSense You should visit the Ads Settings page.

Additionally, we might implement and use other similar technologies to cookies to provide You with a better and faster experience.


IV. Retention period

HabitHop retains and processes the User’s personal data as long as it is necessary to fulfill the purposes defined and the basis of the processing activity exists, or until a request to delete personal data is received.


V. Child privacy

Please be informed that if You are aged less than 13 years or for this matter any legal age of your country, You may NOT use HabitHop services without Your parents (supervisors) consent.


VI. How is Your personal data processed?

We as a controller of the personal data provided by You are adopting appropriate technical, organizational and legal measures in such a manner that processing will ensure the protection of Your rights.

The personal data obtained is processed by electronic means strictly related to the purpose indicated in Privacy Notice.

The personal data is stored by HabitHop as long as We need such personal data to deliver the HabitHop services and support. The User’s personal data is not subject to automated decision-making, including profiling.

We have the right to process your information (including personal data) on servers inside and outside the European Union, but in any way in the jurisdiction in which the data protection and privacy laws may offer the same level of protection as those in the European Union.


VII. When and to whom we can give access to Your personal data?

We do not provide Your personal data to third parties. In some cases we might provide Your personal data to third-party service providers, such as customer support and administrators, however, in any case, such third-party service providers are contractually bound by Us to keep the personal data and other information confidential.


VIII. What rights do You have?

You have the right:

  • to access Your personal data processed by HabitHop;

  • to rectify (modify) Your personal data;

  • to erase Your personal data (‘right to be forgotten’);

  • to restrict the processing of personal data when giving consent or by sending an appropriate request to HabitHop via the email address indicated in the Contacts section;

  • to object to the processing of personal data;

  • to obtain and reuse its personal data for its own purposes (right to data portability);

  • to withdraw consent for the processing of personal data by sending an appropriate request to HabitHop via the email address indicated in the Contacts section if the processing activity is based on the User’s consent;

  • to unsubscribe from receiving HabitHop email newsletters and other marketing materials. To do this, it is necessary to follow the instructions specified in the email received by the User;

  • to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.

  • ​

IX. Contact Us

You shall have the right to contact Us on any issue regarding personal data via the email: We will reply to any such communication without undue delay and always within 14 days.


X. Changes to the Privacy Notice

This Privacy Notice is subject to change and revision, and We reserve the right to modify and update Privacy Notice. We advise You to review the Privacy Notice periodically.

This Privacy Notice went into effect on July 14, 2024.

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